Monday, August 09, 2010

Farbenwald's first ever live performance ...

... happened on the A-Z Show, which is due to be broadcast on Sunday, August 15th 2010 at 2p.m. GMT on Dublin South FM.

Thomas "TJ" Janak (far left) and Micki Marbh (far right) aka Farbenwald talked to A-Z Show hosts Zuza Reda and Aleksander Jakima about living in Ireland, their music, the future and their musical influences.

Micki and TJ performed an acoustic version of their 2006 recorded song "Wer"?

Thursday, August 05, 2010


TJ and Micha v. Lueder will re-unite for an interview on Dublin South FM's A-Z show.

click HERE for more info

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First Farbenwald Album in 2010??

Arne has updated the official blog mentioning that we are working on our first album - 2010 could be the year of FARBENWALD, watch this space

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Michael v Lueder live on stage / TJ live on stage

Michael v. Lueder recently played with the Aviators:

A small collection of the songs we played at Purty Kitchen, go to:

TJ is going to perform on Septembr 5th 2009 at the Open Day at the Animal Sanctuary ASH

Monday, July 27, 2009

More nice words!!

Thomas! I listened to your CD Painted Dreams FINALLY today and absolutely LOVED it! I cannot believe how talented you are and how wonderful it made me feel - where can I tell the world about this absolutely fantastic music? I love it!(Tina Volpe)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Ear Candy" brilliant review of TJ's new CD

What transforms this from being a run-of-the-mill Singer/Songwritery record – and many of you will know my natural aversion to such work - is the incredibly deft orchestration which turns the, no doubt, worthy proselytising and the dangerously possible risk of self conscious introverted dreariness into pretty groovy music.

So, if you’re like me and just want your ear candy to provide a stunning background to your hopeless existence, you can rest assured that this one makes the grade and is well worth the effort to obtain a copy. You may even find yourself teetering towards paying some attention to the lyrics – I’m ashamed to admit that I’m leaning in that direction myself!

July 2009, Abi Rhodes Zig Zag Wanderings

Was dies von den herkoemmlichen Vom-Laufband-Kommenden Singer/Songwriter CDs unterscheidet, und viele von euch kennen ja meine natuerliche Abneigung dagegen, ist die unglaublich geschickte Instrumentierung, die diese, zweifelsfrei preisverdaechtig bekehrende, verinnerlichte Duesterlichkeit in recht gute Musik verwandelt.

Also, wenn ihr so seid wie ich und moechtet, dass ein echter Ohrenschmaus den Hintergrund fuer eure hoffnungslose Existenz bietet, dann koennt ihr beruhigt davon ausgehen, dass diese CD genau dem entspricht und es ist es sicherlich wert hiervon eine CD zu erwerben.

Vielleicht macht ihr euch sogar die Muehe um bei den Texten genauer hinzuhoeren – ich muss zugeben, dass ich das auf jeden Fall tue.

Juli 2009, Abi Rhodes Zig Zag Wanderings

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Join us on FACEBOOK

Farbenwald is now on Facebook. Join us!

Remember, we are also on myspace!!